My friend Mariah and I are taking a trip in April - to Paris. Neither of us has gone before and we're both pretty jazzed. We seem simpatico in what we want to see and how we view traveling so far. I think it's gonna be really good.
Thought I'd start drawing some pictures and bring a drawing book along. I started already (antsy antsy antsy) with just one of the cupcakes she made and sold to raise some spending money. Brilliant. They were delicious. She decorated each with a paper fleur de lis. A couple days later, we got together for Indian food with her sig other, "L", and mine - Kent, and their good friend - a sculptor - "P".
I don't like taking photos at gatherings and such. So, obviously, I didn't have one to draw from. But, wanting to add to my trip book, I improvised from some of their fb photos. The one with his arms raised, that one comes from a great photo of P taken at Mariah and Louis' last Halloween party. He went as a pilot, with a kid's floaty device airplane as a costume / makeshift dance belt. The phrase "no-pants dance party" made it into the conversation a lot. : )